Spectaculu School is a non-profit organization focused on the professional training of young students from poor neighbourhoods in Rio de Janeiro. The school has partnerships with private institutions and companies in Brazil and abroad, as well as receiving donations from individuals and offers of services which ensure that the institutional activities are sustainable.
You can help a young person find a professional path in life by making an online donation through the Paypal system or by becoming a sponsor for one or more Spectaculu School students.
Become a mentor of Spectaculu
Donate – Spectaculu School Of Art And Technology
Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
Suggested contribution per student: US$60 (£50 or €60)
Spectaculu School also receives donations of equipment in good conditions such as costumes, scenic objects, computers, laptops, DSLR cameras, sound and lightning equipments, appliances, art books etc.
Make a donation to Spectaculu